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I will throw off everything that hinders, & the sin that so easily entangles, and I will run with perseverance the race marked out for me. I will fix my eyes on Jesus the author and profecter of my faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Welcome to my webpage. My name is Mary Lou, I have 3 children. I go to a wonderful spiritfilled church where everything is about Jesus. My interest are reading my bible & praying every single day and drawing closer to Jesus. I love to read, so when I'm not reading my bible, then I am reading a book that speaks of it or him. I feel that if he can take interest in me and give me breath for a day, than I should thank him for it and get to know him more and more each day.

I will draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having my heart sprinkled to cleanse me from a guilty conscience and having my body washed with pure water. (Hebrews 10:22)

I hope that you are encouraged by this website. My goal is to live for Jesus and to help others live for him. Encourage yourself in the word this day draw near to Jesus and he will draw near to you.

What happens when you die?

Circle of Christians
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Feel As If There's Hope

Isaiah 53:5
But he was pierced for
our transgressions, he was crushed
for our iniquities; the
punishment that brought us peace
was upon him, and by his
wounds we are healed.

Jesus brings healing if we let him,
let Jesus bring healing in your
life today.


Walking in the Light: Belief and Love 1 John 4-

With 4:1 the epistle shifts its focus somewhat. The previous section (2:28--3:24) dealt with what it means to be God's children. Now a long section on belief and love begins. To be sure, belief and love are both identifying marks of the children of God. But the emphasis here will not fall so much on how these characterize God's children as it will on how God works to bring about true confession and true love. This long section begins and ends with a subsection on belief (4:1-6; 5:6-12). In between is one subsection that deals with love for each other (4:7-12) and two (4:13-21; 5:1-5) that interweave both themes.

Together the threads of love and faith weave the tapestry of Christian life. But these two threads are not chosen at random nor are they inde pendent of each other. Rather, they are intimately related, for it is through the Son that God's love is manifested (4:10-11), and in this Son the readers are called to have faith (4:2-3, 14-15; 5:1, 5-12). We can expect, then, that the threads of love and faith shall reappear and cross over each other many times and that, as they do, the textures and colors will deepen and become richer. But we turn, first, to a passage that exhorts the faithful to be alert to the dangers of deception from these false teachers.

I Peter 1:3&4
Praise be to
The God and Father of my Lord
Jesus Christ! In his great
mercy he has given me new
birth into a living hope
through the resurrection of
Jesus Christ from the dead
and into an inheritance that
can never perish, spoil or
fade-kept in heaven for me.

I Peter 1:13
I prepare my mind for
action, I am self controlled,
I set my hope fully on the grace
to be given me when Jesus is revealed.

Waiting for the groom...

PSALM 19:5
The bridegroom will
come forth from his pavilion,
like a champion rejoicing to
run his course.